Ever wondered what is the recipe for improving website sales? Well, look no further, this article has seven of the most lucrative methods of achieving this objective. Ecommerce stores struggle with staying afloat in the first five years of their founding. Actually, most of these stores do not get to celebrate their fifth anniversary because of various reasons. However, if you manage to get through the first five years successfully, you stand a pretty high chance of surviving the next ten years in the ecommerce space.
Here are the top seven simple ways to improve website sales for your ecommerce store
1. Do thorough research
Companies that carry out an extensive market research are in a better position of getting higher sales in a shorter amount of time. Actually the recipe for disaster in web sales is lack of market survey. You can hire survey companies to carry out a research of your target audience so you can find out exactly what they need. This tip cannot be overstressed because it is not wise to go into business completely blind, this will cost you a great deal of your resources and your precious time.
2. Use a catchy headline
Everyone on the internet loves an interesting topic to read about. No one loves boring articles and blog posts. This is why each time you want to publish a product description article, you should curate an eye captivating headline. Additionally, here are some methods you can use to come up with a good headline:
- Have a good understanding of your audience, this way you will get headlines that fit them
- Use headlines that solve a problem
- You should create a knowledge vacuum. This will prompt some curiosity
- Use search engine optimization by creating keywords
- Use numbers. They are easier to understand and also prompt some curiosity to read on.
3. Optimize your website speed and beef up your security
Who likes slow websites? No one, right? Google likes websites that load within a second and a half. Sites that load fully within this time frame attain a higher search engine ranking courtesy of the various search engines. Additionally, using an SSL certificate preferably EV SSL Certificate to beef up security to your website is a good way to improve website sales. This is because clients love a secure website that keeps all their details safe and away from the bad guys.
4. Maintain a simple design
Keeping a simple user interface in your website is key in driving large amount of sales. Having a complicated interface actually does more harm than good to your site. Clients would love to interact with a simple interface that does not require much technical details. While designing your website make it customer oriented, this way you will include things that the client needs. A site that is easily navigable and colorful makes the shopping process a whole lot of easy. Lastly, use high quality images in your website so that clients get a clear picture of what they are about to order.
5. Make your website mobile friendly
In 2016 the use of smartphones to access websites surpassed computer usage. This was the beginning of the ‘smartphone takeover’. Most people across the globe are using their phones to access websites; this means that if you don’t make your website mobile friendly, then your chances of getting more sales go down the drain. Here are some tips to help you:
- Make information easier to find- most people using smartphones are impatient and want to find the information and leave just as fast
- Compress your images- this will reduce your sites’ loading time
- Use large font sizes- this is because most smartphones have a smaller screen as compared to computers
- Increase the button size to be visible on phones- so that it is easy to click on it using a smartphone
6. Work on forms
Forms on web pages allow a user to enter details that are later sent to a server for processing and storage. They often resemble physical paper forms. They are essential in ecommerce stores and come in handy especially when capturing details of clients such as their full names, physical addresses and credit card information. Since most people that will visit your website use smartphones, it is wise to optimize these forms to suit smartphones. Additionally, make these forms as interactive as possible so that you can capture as much information as possible using the least amount of time.
7. Run tests on your website
In order to effectively improve website sales, you need to make your site as mobile friendly as possible. You will discover that majority of your site traffic actually comes from mobile phones. After you work on all the tips above, you should then test if they are working as intended. Occasionally, pull up your website on any mobile phone or a tablet and go through it to see if everything is well in order. Try to look at it from the client point of view and see if there are any loopholes. Additionally, you can hire professional testers that could run a full diagnosis on your site and they will give you a detailed report on its state.
You might also be wondering why you this article recommend the EV SSL certificate. Well, this certificate protects your site from brute attacks, it optimizes your site so you can get better search engine ranking and lastly, it assures your customers that their information is safe and well kept.
Wrapping up
Having a successful ecommerce store is no small fete. Good management will improve website sales and give your clients a wonderful experience as they browse through while shopping. A simple design will also give your clients an easy time shopping and they will be sure to come back for more. Additionally, if you make your site mobile friendly, more customers will stream in via their handsets thus giving you more sales. Lastly, doing your market research will paint a clear picture on the path you need to follow.