Airport Extreme Base Station

Speed your Network without Changing Apple Airport Extreme Base Station

Airport extreme is apple’s 6th generation wireless router which has latest Wi-fi technology along with great features. Its base station can attain data rates up to 1.3Gbps with three-stream 802.11 ac technology. Airport extreme base station is a gateway product of apple which has different functionality of a router, network switch, wireless access points, network-attached storage, and many others.

These apple airport base station help to expand your network. You can find out a wide range of airport products of apple which are basically known as base stations. All these products are Wi-Fi routers like- Airport Express, Airport Extreme, and Time Capsule. Among these airports routers, Airport extreme is the most identical. The only difference between Airport capsule and extreme is that the capsule has internal storage while extreme does not.

 All the airport devices support all existing WiFi networks available in the market regardless of their standard or platform. They perform in many ways-

  • It gives wifi network to the local area network in two ways-one for primary and one for guests.
  • Connect USB printer to the network
  • Use it as a time machine backup drive by using a USB hard drive to the network
  • Expand the network through its ethernet ports to the ethernet devices.
  • Connecting the LAN to the internet by connecting from the airport to the modem or router.

What is Airport Extreme Base Station?

It is basically a wifi networking based router which uses 802.11b, g, n and ac standards. Currently, you can get all mac products having the capability of linking wirelessly via airport to wi-fi networks, wifi printers, AirPrint, iPhones, iPads and many more.

This airport extreme is a potential router which has additional port and strong features. Faster WiFi connection and clearer and solid signal are the basic characteristics that you can hope from Airport Extreme. With its six different antennas, it offers dual based wireless networks which support all bands.

For placing the antennas at the top, Airport extreme is given this tall shape, You do not need any external power unit as this airport has an internet power supply. By using this airport extreme set up, you can use your printer wireless and also share a hard drive.

Best Ways: Enhance the Speed of Network with Airport Extreme Base Station

  1. Apple airport extreme base station is the best in terms of providing faster speed. But when you are using a product for such a long time then you might lose its perfection. In that case, you may find out alternative option or replace it with a new one or go for third party option, it’s totally up to you. But here you can choose another option where you do not need to change airport extreme base station. Simply add a Wi-Fi router to the network and your apple airport base station will be as it is. By using this method you can get better signal power and ability to use Airport Utility as well as you do not need to spend a single penny.
  2. Before using this method, you must know that for using two devices as the router can raise some network problems. To avoid such an issue, you must force the traffic from the base station to the network and turn of the function from the wireless device.
  3. You need to be careful about the placement of the router. Placing a router and electronic gadgets side by side and then connect it via wireless interface can cause a signal issue. But you can easily join airport extreme set up to the cable modem. You can easily connect two routers to the network without changing Airport extreme. You can place the router anywhere in the house but just make sure you have to connect the router to the ethernet.
  4. With the proper setting, you can speed your network without changing airport extreme base station. You can follow the below steps to get the right configuration.
  • Join your computer to the airport extreme through ethernet and turn off the wifi system
  • Open Airport Utility and click to the base station
  • Click on the Edit option and select wireless tab
  • You can find out a popup tab beside Network mode
  • Turn this off and click on the Update button
  • Turn off the wifi radio 

You can notice your airport extreme start running as it was running before. Other devices which are connected to the ethernet will also start working with the devices.

Wrap Up Note

Airport extreme base station is certainly a first-class router which will give you the best internet connection. Through this, you can access an external drive as well and can back up wirelessly. This is a better wireless system through you can best home network. It can produce both 2.54Ghz and 5GHz wireless network.